Quotes of Hope from Iraq: Social media posts

Posted: January 14, 2014 in Articles

Young IDP man: “That people have died because they rather die than deny their faith gives me hope: it shows me that Christianity is strong.”

Bishop Nicodemos of the Syrian Orthodox Church: “I have faith that one day all Christians that have fled will return to Iraq.”

IDP that has fled from place to place because of the violence:  “In all these years I have been moving around, I never felt like my life was difficult, because God was with me all the time. When I was in need, he provided for me in miraculous ways. Like the time that I had to give birth to one of my children and there were a lot of bombs outside. In the hospital, in the glimmer of the light I had to bring myself because there was no electricity, the doctor asked me: how is it humanly possible that you reached this hospital alive in your state of pregnancy? See: God is always there.”

Sister from Erbil: “Yes, being a Christian is difficult in this country. When I was a child I had to attend religious classes because they taught Arabic at the same time and if I would leave the class the teacher wouldn’t explain the Arabic to me. Still I have always felt strong and special as a Christian because I know I belong to God.”

Secret Believer: “The presence of Christ gives me hope. I feel his presence even in places where people aren’t good to me. Humans don’t give hope, only Christ does.”

Brother from Erbil: “As a human I have no hope left. But because of Christ, I have hope.”

Brother from Baghdad: “Even if there is a bomb attack today, tomorrow we will go back to work, because we are convinced that Jesus cares for us. He will restore his Kingdom one day, this is my hope.”

Kurdish background believer: “Living as a Christian in a non-believing world isn’t easy; I have to hide my Bible, but the contact with my fellow believers makes me strong.”

IDP who experienced violence from nearby:  “I can’t imagine living without my faith. Prayer helps me so much in this situation. I can overcome my problems when I pray, I feel Gods power in me when I ask God to help me.”

Fieldworker: “I have hope because I see God is working in the hearts of non-believers in Iraq. Even if all the Christians from traditional churches leave Iraq, Christianity will stay, because God is building a church under the Secret Believers.”

Priest of a small Christian village: “I have hope because God answered my prayers. I asked God to send me someone to help me to educate my congregation and he send you!”

Syrian Orthodox Clergyman: “Most of my family left the country, but I don’t feel alone, because I see the church as my family.”

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